

Hakelwerk, originally a simple fortification made of hewn bushes, once encompassed the entire settlement adjacent to the Pomeranian dukes' castle. This settlement retained its unique legal status during the time of the Teutonic Order until it was united with the legal town in 1454. By the 16th century, the Polish town hall was located at the corner of Nähtlergasse within this area.

As late as 1608, the entire region between Hinter Adler's brewery and An der Schneidemühle was still referred to as Hakelwerk. By 1624, the well-known Hakelwerk alley, along with Kleine Ölmühlengasse and Am Spendhaus, was collectively known as "Forgotten Alley." Historian J. Hevelke mentions this street in his family history under the name Fieffingergasse, noting that five alleys branched off from it like the fingers of a hand.


Polish Names


Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S 55f Hevelke, J. Gert Hevelke und seine Nachfahren. Geschichte der Familie Hevelke - Hewelcke und des Astronomen Johannes Hevelius 1427 - 1927. Danzig 1927, S. 27