An der Großen Mühle


Until the beginning of the 18th century, this street – as often in Gdańsk – was named in "pieces." The properties on the right bank of the Radunia River were called Kirchsteig from 1624 to 1796. The section on the left bank of the Radunia, directly adjacent to Pfefferstadt, was called Alte Münze until 1854. The immediate vicinity of the mill was called Am Schild due to the shape of the mill island. Since 1817, the island has been referred to as An der Großen Mühle, and since 1854, this name has covered the known area.


Polnische Namen

Wielkie Młyny

Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S 64f