

The name "versus monachos" applied only to the section between the Dominican Monastery and Dam III/Dam IV around 1357. Later, this section was also considered part of Häkergasse. In the second half of the 17th century, there was an attempt to rename this part of Häkergasse to Strohgasse, but it remained Häkergasse. Between house numbers 23 and 24, there was temporarily a passage called Johanniskirchsteig.

The name Häkergasse originates from the "Höker" (small-scale food vendors) who lived here. At that time, the sale of food was often associated with the right to serve alcohol. Considering that there was also a bathhouse here as late as 1466, it can be assumed that this was a lively entertainment street. Today, this alley is known as Marktbudengasse.


Polish Names


Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S 99f