Pelonker Weg


Pelonkener Weg, now known as Polanki, is one of Gdańsk's oldest routes, with historical significance dating back to medieval times. Originally, the road connected Gdańsk to Oliwa and was lined with estates and manor houses belonging to wealthy families, including aristocrats and clergy. Over the centuries, Polanki became a prestigious residential area, reflecting its importance in Gdańsk's social and economic life.

During the Prussian era and under German rule, Pelonkener Weg retained its status as a prominent road. Various notable residents, including political figures and industrialists, called the area home. In the early 20th century, the area continued to develop, although the road and its estates were impacted by the wars and political shifts of the 20th century. After World War II, the name Pelonkener Weg was changed to Polanki, aligning with Polish cultural heritage. Today, the street is recognized for its historical architecture and remains a significant part of Gdańsk’s urban landscape, blending its rich past with modern developments.


Polish Names




Pelonkener Hof ISource: Wikimedia
Pelonkener Hof IIISource: