

The first of the old names indicates that the old town prison was located here. Tymmenitz comes from the Slavic term temnica, which means something like a dark, windowless room. This term was used in Gdańsk to refer to a prison until at least 1707. The later name, Kerewedergasse (Kehrwiedergasse), suggests that it was a dead-end street at that time. Today, it is simply called Ölmühlengasse, which translates to Oil Mill Alley.


Polish Names


Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S. 67 Verordnung des Nehring und Scharpauschen Amptes (...) wobey zugleich besondere Puncta und Articul zu Stiftung guter Ordnung im gemeinen Leben und Wandel anectiret werden. Danzig 1707