
Arta Platea Quarta


As early as 1331, the butchers' guild (Fleischerzunft) acquired this piece of land from the Teutonic Order (Deutscher Orden) in order to build a slaughterhouse. This makes this area the location of the oldest buildings to be built on the Speicherinsel (Wyspa Spichrzów).

Before becoming Brandgasse, this street was referred to as Platea Quarta, which is Latin for Fourth Street. With Brandgasse being the fourth street south of Milchkannengasse, where the numbering started.

As for the name of the street, there are two competing theories. The first on claiming that the name Brandgasse came from the chronicle of Christoph Beyer the Elder. According to this writing, the name came from a fire that, set on Thursday after Pentecost in 1515, laid by Simon Matern:

Am Donnerstag noch pfingsten auf den obend brandten viel Speicher und holczhoff ab kegen dem Kuttelhof über, davon itzt die Strosse doselbst brandegasse heist......... Disz feuer aber war angelegt durch die mordbrenner des Simon Maternen gesellschafter.

Yet much older historic documents referring to this area before this street was even named outline that the merchants and brothers Gregor and Salomon Brandt used this small alley as a corridor to transport their goods.

During the war, this street was completely destroyed and burned down. After 1945 it was briefly called Zarzewie (Zünder, Ember). After the ruins disappeared, this street also disappeared. After 2000, due to reconstruction plans, the old location was once again again in the street maps, but it is not listed in the official street register of Gdańsk.

Polish Names

Ulica Zarzewie

Previous Names

Arta Platea Quarta

Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1951, Danzig 1911. M. Granke i M. Kuźniak : Informator Miasta Gdańska. Gdynia 1946


BrandgasseSource: Facebook
BrandgasseSource: Facebook
Brandgasse 10Source: Fotomemoria
Brandgasse - MapSource: Facebook