

In the register of 1624, the properties on this street, along with those on Faulgraben, were called Niedergasse. After the construction of the St. Jakob Bastion, this street, along with Am Jakobstor, was referred to as the "new street to the Holy Body Gate." From 1664, when this gate was also incorporated into the bastion of the same name, it was called Neue Sankt Jakobsgasse. On a map from 1763, it is called Neue Gasse, and from 1820, Jakobsneugasse. After the war, it continued to exist under the name ul. Świętego Jakuba (St. Jakobsgasse). Between 1960 and 1966, it was built over. Today, only a narrow passageway, ending at the music school, reminds of it.


Polish Names

Św. Jakuba

n. e.

Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S. 58 M. Granke i M. Kuźniak : Informator Miasta Gdańska. Gdynia 1946