Kleine Lawendelgsse


In historical records, the street has been referred to as "Twergasse ante Monachos" since 1357, named after the Dominican monastery that occupied one side of the street. Since 1763, it has been called "Lawendelgasse" or "Große Lawendelgasse" on maps, to distinguish it from the nearby "Kleine Lawendelgasse," which is today's second Priestergasse. Given that "Kleine Lawendelgasse" was used as early as the 17th century, it can be inferred that "Lawendelgasse" has also been in use for a considerable time, even if it cannot be definitively proven.

The name belongs to the same group as Rosengasse, Rosmaringasse, and Liliengasse, all originally used as humorous names for foul-smelling, dirty streets. It's no coincidence that Büttelgasse, where the executioner lived, is in close proximity to the two urban Lawendelgassen. These remote alleys often did not enjoy the best reputation regarding their inhabitants. However, nothing unfavorable has been recorded about Lawendelgasse and Zweite Priestergasse in this regard.

For the old-town Lawendelgasse, now known as Jungferngasse, there are strong doubts about its reputation, especially given its name, which was also used in the 17th century. This name, too, hints at the alley's historical uncleanliness.


Polish Names


Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S129f