
Ampla platea, Brede Gasse, Superior Valva


First mentioned in 1354 as "Ampla Platea" (Latin for Large Street), this street was located in new part of the Danzig Neighborhoods, referred to as Neustadt or Civitas Nova (New City) in the 14th century. It was the main traffic route to the harbor and led directly to the Krantor (also Krantor, Brama Żuraw) to the East, and the Holzmarkt (Targ Drzewny) to the West, where it ended in the former Breites Tor ("wide gate", no longer exists).

During the Middle Ages the monastery of Oliva and the Karthaus Monastery possessed buildings in this area.

At the beginning of the 17th century, a moat (Rechtstädtischer Stadtgraben) crossed this area. After its removal in 1614-1630 buildings started being erected, often referred to as extra portam (Latin for "outside the gate"). The part of the street toward the Brama Żuraw was referred to as superior valva. The gate was already referred to in 1366 as Kran (crane). This older form of the gate burned down, and building built in its place in 1444 was in the same form as today's gate.

The well known distillery Lachs was located on this street, known for Danziger Goldwasser.



Polish Names


Previous Names

Ampla platea

Brede Gasse

Superior Valva

Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, Danzig 1911. Wikipedia entry "Breite Gasse."


Breite Gasse - PostcardSource: Facebook
Breitegasse - KrantorSource: Facebook
Breitegasse - HolzmarktSource: Facebook
Breitegasse - Danziger NachrichtenSource: Facebook
Breitegasse - PostcardSource: Facebook