Weg nach dem Notzkenberge

Hinter der Schießstange


The alley lay behind the shooting range for riflemen, built by the city council in 1543. Since the targets at that time were mounted on poles, the entire facility was also called "Schießstange" (shooting pole). The two older names are only found sporadically. The name "Bärenwinkel" (bear corner) referred only to the later house numbers 2–7. The current name includes the Middle Polish noun *kur*. This term referred both to a rooster and, on the other hand, to the target used in archery. Previously, roosters were also used as targets.


Polish Names


Previous Names

Hinter der Schießstange

Source(s): Stephan, W. Danzig. Gründung und Straßennamen. Marburg 1954, S 190